The true cost behind your wedding florist.
This may be a contentious post, so buckle up. I know that my profession is often one where the expense is questioned. I have been urged to create this blog after BBC Breakfast discussed the cost of wedding flowers and one of the presenters mentioned the premium put on the cost of flowers simply because they were for a wedding. This isn’t the case.
I often get told ‘well you just pop the flowers in a vase’ and ‘it must be so much fun playing with flowers all day’. But as with a lot of careers my role involves a lot of work that you are not meant to see. I have tried to break it down here. I am sure I have missed out some points. Perhaps you could let me know what you think.
Finding your florist.
How did you find your florist?
Social media, marketing, website hosting, Wedding Fayre etc. It was probably via one of these methods and guess what; these all cost money.
The early stages.
Getting ready for that first consultation = time and preparation.
Then time taken to write the quote, research possible flowers, checking availability of flowers.
Fingers crossed the couple want to book you for their wedding.
Subsequent meetings, emails, quote updates and phone calls. Liasing with the church, the venue, other suppliers, this all takes time.
Finally ordering the flowers, emails, phone calls etc.
Getting ready.
Time to prep and clean all the vases etc. ready for the flowers.
Collect the flowers from the wholesaler and return to the studio.
Pick up numerous stems of foliage (each stem part of the overall cost) to support flowers
Pick up numerous stems of flowers – the choice of flowers and time of year really impacts on cost. (I discuss these thoughts in this blog.)
Ensure the flowers and foliage are always of the highest quality. Extras are always ordered to cover breakages and problems.
The flowers and foliage are all pre-treated in water with flower food so they look their very best for the design. All the stems are cleaned, thorns removed and guard petals are taken off.
Don’t forget the cost of trays, oasis, frames, tape, ribbon, pins, staples, moss, wire mash etc. to construct the design [sundries used for various designs]
Time to wait for the flowers to be ready.
Check on the flowers often.
Change water. Recut stems. Move into sunlight, out of sunlight, depending on how they are opening.
Your florist’s expertise is pivotal here.
Design time.
I don’t think I need to expand on this point.
Delivery time.
Boxing up of the flowers. Packing the vehicle. None of this can be rushed.
Delivery by car of bouquets and buttonholes, often to more than one venue.
Then delivery to final destination [petrol] and time.
Set up the event.
Revisit each arrangement before putting into position. Tidying up and clearing away after set up.
All stationery pictured is ByJo
After the event.
Pick up items from the venue. Cleaning said items. Safely packing away until next time.
Post pictures of the event hoping other potential customers will see your work and this will lead to more business and back to stage 1.
When all of these elements are pulled together you have a completed circle of design.
Of course on top of these costs are every day utilities - heating, lighting, water, taxes, insurance, staff wages etc. You know, all the good stuff.
I really hope this might have helped enlighten you to what an event florists job entails. Next time you see that bunch of flowers at the supermarket and question why you can’t buy a bridal bouquet for the same cost, please, think of all the above.
And to BBC Breakfast. Please do your research and know your facts before making comments that are misleading and damaging to all us hard working event forist.
Thanks for reading.
Images supplied by Sophie Collins Photography
Hi! I'm Anne-Marie, Petal Power is me. I run my event floristry business out of Creigiau, Cardiff.
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